Which diseases does the floss film cancer easily confuse with?


A, the malignant grape foetus generally thinks bad Pu occurrence after grape foetus but the Rong cancer can take place in the foot month postnatal period, have a miscarriage behind.(include Yun outside the temple, have a miscarriage naturally or abortion)Bad change after the grape foetus, Rong cancer and bad Pu all probably.But there is difference in time happening.According to experience of the Peking concord hospital, the grape foetus ejects after half year inside bad change, mostly(96.5%) do evil sex grape foetus, for more than a year bad change the overwhelming majority(92.85%) as Rong cancer.6 months to in a year occurrence the bad Pu and Rong cancer Be each to have a half the number.Past general theory, partition time grows more, Rong cancer of the possibility is big more.
Two, match the body cell film inside the womb burning(syncytial endometritis) foot month postnatal period, especially have a miscarriage or the grape foetus pares off the check of the temple or excision womb disease after ejecting to is particularly a placenta and adhere to part in the shallow muscle layer, it is thus clear that have already spread at of nourish cell(with match a body and nourish cell for lord) and burning sex cell, with half an eye good elephant tumor portrait, but the deep muscle layer is second have no gradually.Blood or hCG inside the urine measurese as well many is a feminine gender.Past don't belong to nourish a cell disease of disease scope.General has been thoroughly pared off a temple behind can immediately recover gradually as usual.Park(1981) thinks to match the body cell film inside the womb blazes one phrase second inadequacy, because of participate in the cell of positive erosion as list pit, rather than match a body and much check(non-syncytial and multi-nuclear), and have no obvious of burning disease process.
Three, nourish the cell false sex lump(trophoblastic pseudotumor) contains various names, in addition to nourishing the cell false sex lump(Kurman, 1976), also have already matched body cell lump("Syncytioma", Qwing, 1960), the non- typical model floss film cancer(atypical choriocarcinoma, Merdrand, 1959), all point histology with clinical don't have typical model Rong of cancer phenomenon, don't transfer its"continuously type positive floss film erosion pathological changes"("an unusually persitent formof benign chorionic invasion") as well, adhere to place to match a body to nourish the cell reaction to increase to living for placenta, form lump-like in shape.On the histology, match a body to nourish the cell also often expresses a pit that multiformity also appear the greatly strange form strange form.Nonexistent floss structure.It is difficult to discriminate with Rong cancer, but according to having no nuclear fission elephant and lacking cell to nourish cell second didn't infringe upon the womb deep muscle layer but result in destructive tendency etc., can discriminate with Rong cancer.

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