Wearing the ice hat can reduce a chemotherapy to take off hair


The chemotherapy controls a mammary glands cancer focus, particularly is deal with the whole body transfers of important means, under the general circumstance, the mammary glands cancer sufferer needs to complete 6 chemotherapies of periods.But usually cause because of the chemotherapy medicine a lot of badly respond, therefore not a few sufferers can not insist till the last.So and very may come apart at the seam hardly realizing, not only have no command over a condition, even still probably bring very big damage to body.
Concord hospital tumor chemotherapy section Chen Shu long director of Peking tells a reporter, the person of different physical endowment and the chemotherapy reaction produced by different chemotherapy medicine will be different, therefore want to aim at the circumstance of dissimilarity to adopt side effect in the actively effective measure control chemotherapy.
Disgusted, vomit:Disgusted, vomit is the most familiar digest in chemotherapy way reaction, in addition to overcoming to fear the glint that the mental state causes to vomit, can use according to the circumstance some vomit medicine.Different chemotherapy medicine, the reaction vomiting has a different circumstance also.Clinical top the inest common use of vomit a medicine to have soon effect vomit a medicine and long effect vomit medicine 2 types, these two types of medicines should use before chemotherapy first, chemotherapy after again use 1-3 days, can join an appropriate town in the meantime quiet medicine.
Diarrhea:Diarrhea is also the chemotherapy empress familiar reaction and want to adjust the sufferer's food first at this time.Let the sufferer eat some easily digest absorb and enrich to contain a nutrient food, hate to eat to living, cold and contain a thick fiber many foods, should also carry on a medicine treatment to the disease in the meantime.
The appetite is bad:Some sufferer after the chemotherapy, usually the appetite isn't good, don't want to eat.Will choose at this time some simple elegance of, not greasy food, and notice to have many meals less.
Take off hair:The sufferer can wear an ice hat to cause after dealing with the chemotherapy of take off hair, the hat of this kind of specially made can make the skin of head temperature kept in below 15 ℃ , and ability constringency head blood vessel, reduce the damage of enemy opponent skin, hair thus.
The skin responds:The chemotherapy medicine will cause skin reaction under the light function and make skin black, therefore chemotherapy period should avoid excessively taking a sunbathe.
The white cell, blood platelets reduces:After chemotherapy of may appear the circumstance of white cell and blood platelets decrease in 7-14 days, should check 1-2 blood normal regulationses every week at this time, and observe blood elephant at any time circumstance.If discover white cell, blood platelets decrease, can control with the medicine, can also pass a blood transfusion or lose blood platelets to work out a problem when it's necessary.
The heart, liver and kidney function abnormality:Some chemotherapy medicine may cause heart side effect.The chemotherapy should does electrocardiogram or super voice to move a diagram checks before or after and monitor a heart circumstance and counteract a heart protection, also want to in fixed time check liver, kidney function and adopt measure according to the circumstance.
Some mammary glands cancer sufferer, a walk into a hospital dizzy, a see the medicine bottle of chemotherapy medicine uncomfortable, this a kind of bad conditioned reflex that is causable because of but.The Chen Shu long director emphasizes:"In fact come to say to the sufferer who needs a chemotherapy, the mental appearance is count for much.If can overcome to fear mental state and keep a good mindset, progressively accept a chemotherapy, it causes of bad reaction may will ease a lot."

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