The bone cancer analyzes a check


A, the normal regulations physical and bio-chemical check.
Two, project a section check:Make general x to the affected part skeleton the slice only photograph, the blood vessel photograph, the lymphoid blood vessel photograph an etc. check, can the property developed does evil things sex and positive bone lump according to the slice it discriminate diagnosis, it emanation with experienced credibility section the doctor can reach to 90%, particularly the computer break a layer to photograph nuclear magnetic resonance to photograph, the blood vessel photographs and the nuclear medical science skeleton isotope scan an etc. check, its accuracy is sooner more convenient.
Three, pathologic organization the slice check, its method can divide 3 kinds:
(1)the pinprick sampling check, its success rate is in 80~90%.
(2)the affected part cut open a sampling check.
(3)cut off or pare off in addition to pathologic check:Organize a pathologic check to depend on a slice from the pathologic section doctor organization of does the pathology change?Turn to make most Hou exactitude diagnosis.

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