The performance of chronic and lymphoid cell leukemia


The typical model B cell slowly starts to pour a disease slow-moving, often had no symptom in early days, can by chance discover when check-up or blood normal regulations check, a little bit another because of lymphoid the knot or liver Pi is swollen big but disheveled hair now.
(A)lymphoid knot swollen greatly the most familiar(have 70%), can be a whole body, lightly go to mid-degree swollen big, accidentally obviously swollen big, don't press a pain, touch it have rubber, glue with skin not connect, is more familiar than neck, armpit and stomach ditch etc..When the tonsil, lachrymal gland and saliva gland involves in, can produce Mikulicz to synthesize to advertise for.
(Two)the liver Pi swollen big Pi is swollen big familiar(40%), lightly go to mid-degree swollen big, the later period can reach to a chamber, accidentally can take place Pi Geng dead or Pi broken.Liver swollen great(10%) degree not equal to spleen, when the obviously swollen big companion liver function injures and often hint the case in later period.
(Three)other dirty machines gradually express 50% sufferers to have a skin performance, slower grain much sees, particularity of such as knot stanza, red skin far-gone, there is also non- particularity such as Sao Yang disease etc..Stomach and small intestines are gradually familiar, it is thus clear that the Na reduces, abdominal distension, impaired digestion and black muck, and diarrhea...etc..The lung department gradually mainly has already filled the air sex knot stanza and Su grain-like in shape gradually(40%) and the chest accumulate a liquid(15%).Chest water often guts, can also take place the milk Mi chest water because of the lymphoid Geng Zu.The skeleton pathological changes familiarly has already taken off calcium and bone substance sparse(5%), dissolve a bone seldom seen.The pathology checks above 60% sufferer kidney double side leukemia gradually, but the general pathological changes is slight, about 20% sufferers have albuminuria and microscope blood in urine.The nervous system pathological changes has a spot-like in shape brain gradually and even knots the stanza brain lump formation, can also take place meninges, the 7th Lu nerve, descend a Qiu brain and hang body and surroundings nerve pathological changes and press inside the Lu can increase Gao.
(Four)the immunity blemish performance take form or herpes simplex virus incidence rate higher.The sufferer easily has the maturation etc. that the sex appeal dyes such as pneumonia.Also have the companion hair the second malignant tumor, is with the skin and the colon tumor.In the meantime the companion hair one who fill the air lymphoid lump of sex organization cell, be called Richter to synthesize to advertise for, the incidence rate is about 3.3%.In addition can the companion hair rheumatism the arthritis and advanced case muscle has no dint etc..
The clinical characteristics that the T cell slowly pours is to rise a disease quick, the liver Pi is greatly swollen, the lymphoid cell Be mid-degree to increase and often infringe upon central nervous system system, sex gland and the leather deep department, to treatment reaction bad, exist time short.

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