Chemotherapy patient good luck what easily suffer from a pimple rash


Chemotherapy patient of so easily suffer from the Ba rash is because the chemotherapy causes sufferer the immunity dint lower the causable, Varicella-Zoster virus like the hair is at the lymphoid lump or the surname patient of He Jie Jin.The single side bubble-like in shape skin rash that especially becomes a set presents to take a form to distribute, usually the occurrence is in the chest and the back.Neuralgia at tall year sufferer specially familiar, the anti- suppresses Yu medicine and other assistance medicine to alleviate symptom, when it's necessary can and morphine analgesic suitable for use.
(1)the occurrence pimple can give after the rash virussafe treatment, vitamin B1, B12 muscles inject or give the town the painful to soothe ache.The symptom serious can give sugar skin quality hormone, transfer factor to take orally liquid etc. to take orally.
(2)part can Tu Jia Zi, neomycin ointment, Sao Yang can not by hand grasp, the in order to prevent results in an infection.
(3)strengthen nourishment, raise the machine body immunity dint.
(4)the attention prevention catch a cold and increase or decrease clothes in time.
(5)notice personal hygiene, frequently take a shower and frequently change clothes.The underwear takes loose soft cotton quality article as proper.

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