The bone cancer diagnoses and discriminates


The diagnosis most of bone lump wants to discriminate it as positive and low degree ill nature and height malignant, this has the most close pass with age, sex and occurrence part of occurrence connect.So this wants to depend a patient, orthopedics doctor and project a line section doctor and pathologic section doctor's etc. everywhere the noodles makes a concerted effort then can do the most correct in early days of diagnosis and the best treatment effect.
Any occurrence at skeleton system various organization organize such as the bone, cartilage and fiber, fat organization, build blood system, nervous tissue and didn't divide of the skin structure in the net etc. the tumor caused all belong to original hair bone tumor.Pass directly and gradually, blood luck or lymphoid system transfer but organize in the bone inside formatively transfer tumor for after the hair bone tumor.In addition to good and malignant cent bone tumor, still having the pathological changes in parts of bone organizations can not affirm whether its property is true sex bone tumor, if the bone fiber unusually propagates a disease, isolated sex bone bag is swollen, the bone love acidity proud flesh swollen, bone fat metabolism mess disease etc., call the Sun of lump kind disease(the Sun of the bone tumor kind disease).
The history, physical examination and laboratory of the detailed disease the check and x line shoots a slice to acquire a worthy diagnosis basis and have certain reference value to the diagnosis such as the outbreak age in the history of disease.Check-up and x line express medium outbreak part to as well have reference meaning to the diagnosis.
The x line expresses to change more, past can not be partial to noodles ground to take it as to diagnose a basis.
The pathologic histology checks though have the diagnosis method that decide the meaning, but also not absolute and dependable, because have various specimens that the factor can make the misdiagnosis,such as tumor, organized appearance difference in the middle of developing a stage to adopt very greatly can not completely, the representative isn't enough and creation specimen weakness within technique etc. all can result in the difficulties of pathologic diagnosis.
Therefore majority of the scholars think jaffe put forward of three combine standpoint namely clinical, project, pathology three combine is very correct.Pass three aspect doctor of the common careful discussion then can make accurate diagnosis.

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