A few kinds of leukemia categorize


The leukemia can learn according to the course of illness, clinical characteristic and cell appearance etc. carry on a classification.
(1)course of illness and clinical characteristic categorize
Press the course of illness slowly nasty can is divided into a leukemia with leukemia cell mature degree:
The ① impatient leukemia:The condition develops quickly, is mainly excrescent originality and immature cell in marrow and surrounding blood;
The ② chronic leukemia:The course of illness is fuller, is mainly more mature excrescent cell in marrow and blood, secondly is an immature cell.
The chronic leukemia can also press the different cell series and is divided into a chronic grain cell leukemia, chronic and lymphoid cell leukemia and many hair cells leukemia and young lymphoid cell leukemia.
(2)the cell appearance learn a classification
Can is divided into:①Impatient and lymphoid cell leukemia;②The acute not- lymphoid cell leukemia.The latter mainly includes an impatient grain the cell leukemia and impatient list check a cell leukemia.
(3)press the white cell in the surrounding blood elephant to amount to count with immature cell
Can is divided into:①The white cell increases sex:Outside week the white cell shows Zhao to increase(more than 15 ×s 109/Ls) in the middle of the blood elephant, also in great quantities immature cell;②The white cell doesn't increase sex:The white cell doesn't increase in the outside week blood, even is lower than normal(15 the ×s 109/L following), more difficult discover unusually immature cell in the blood.
(4)special type leukemia
The special type leukemia includes:
The ① is low to increase born nature of leukemia;
The ② green lump or grain cell tumor;
The ③ loves a sour grain cell leukemia;
The ④ loves an alkali grain cell leukemia;
⑤ Adult T cell leukemia;
The ⑥ non- Hodgkin lymphoid lump cell leukemia;
The ⑦ fatty big cell(or the organization love alkali cell) leukemia;
The ⑧ straches a cell leukemia;
The ⑨ acute mixs a cell leukemia;
The ⑩ impatient whole Sui cell leukemia.

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