The way that the cancer transfers


The cancer cell is very"greedy", it will run to it to arrive anyplace, while the path mainly has 3:
A, lymphoid transfer
When the lymph transfers generally at the earliest stage, therefore carried on tumor excision carry on the lymphoid close account swept;Put to treat in addition to project light upon original hair tumor focus, also need to project light upon surroundings lymphoid knot.The lymphoid system spreads all over all over the body, are that ideal and head that the cancer cell transfers choose passage.Lymphoid transfer usually from the near to the distant, if the mammary glands cancer transfers to arrive side armpit lymph to together knot first, after transfer lock bone up, next lymphoid knot, even to side armpit lymph knot.Directly invade blood vessel or Be got into afferent cancer cell by lymphoid tube, will arrive other parts with the blood like lung, brain, liver and bone etc., this is that the blood line transfer.The stomach and intestines way cancer often transfers to the liver and the lung, the mammary glands cancer, kidney cancer, and blood relationship lump...etc. often transfer lung, the lung cancer easily transfers to a brain, and the prostate gland cancer easily transfers a bone.
Two, the blood line transfer
Chemotherapy be in order not to the cancer cell transfer through a blood line, but exterminate cancer cell with the medicine"along the road".
Three, plant to transfer
There being still 1 kind transfering is less, be plant to transfer.If the cancer cell sheds off from the tumor surface and"drop"s in the chest, belly cavity and brain spinal cord chamber etc., the meeting"take root germination".Occurrence ground generally the lower part in these cavities, like the rib Ge Cape, the rectum urine bladder nest, and Lu bottom...etc..Common people always love to say what things it's cancer-causing, in fact, we can not also say as long as don't eat what can't get a cancer, or contact what meeting get cancer.Haven't discovered now any a sow the cause a vegetable is the inevitable factor that inducts cancer.Win cancer the most important early discover, the cancer mostly could cure in early days.For this, once we want clinical survey, two is an indisposition will see some symptom possibilities have something to do with cancer, don't would not° until felt painful go for a doctor.

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