The mammary glands cancer clinical characteristic


1, lump:For 95% mammary glands cancer patients of deliver symptom.Mostly the list delivers, much more seldom seen hair, the appearance is been partial to to circular, oval or anomaly form.The quality is generally harder, the state isn't pure.Individual if the Sui kind cancer quality is softer, the state is more pure.Be outside and up much delivered to quadrant, the lump enlarges a little bit quickly and could have a movable degree in early days.
2, the skin change:Familiar is shallow form vein Nu piece, the dimples advertises for with the Jie skin kind skin.The patient chest skin of burning sex breast cancer can the big slice of color get dark and present hard knot and increase thick, miscellaneous present battle armor-like in shape chest wall by the cancer spot piece and the ulcer.Later period breast cancer can break to the shallow form Kui, formation the form new-born thing of the ulcerates or condy-loma accuminata.
3, the nipple milk dizzy change:Breast central area mammary glands cancer, the big pipe is subjected to invasion can to nipple flat even, hollow, return to shrink, even the nipple sink into dizzy bottom, cause milk dizzy to transform.The Paget surname disease can appear a nipple, the milk dizzy skin eczema kind change.
4, the nipple overflow a liquid:The mammary glands cancer companion overflows 1.3-7% of total amount that the liquid has breast cancer, and is seen to cancer inside the tube, nipple-like in shape cancer more.The guts overflows a liquid to much see, time for strach a liquid and strach guts, and water kind...etc. to also have.With overflow a liquid for the only symptom breast cancer, rarely see, and mostly take care of for the earlier period inside the cancer, nipple-like in shape cancer, overflow the liquid mammary glands cancer majority and discover first after the lump the companion have already overflowed a liquid.
5, ache:Appeared in early days of is have no painful sex lump.Breast cancer merges when the bag increase to get sick can have a bulge pain, dull pain.The later period breast cancer ache often hints that the tumor directly infringes upon nerve.
6, the Yi lymph knot swollen big:Being a mammary glands cancer head hair symptom is seldom seen.(unless hidden mammary glands cancer)Mostly hint mammary glands cancer the course of illness make progress and need to expel the arms, shoulder to carry on the back, the chest other malignant tumors transfer to.The pathologic check can help to confirm.

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