Be partial to a vegetable"of the food benefit prevent and cure at the bowel cancer


BE more opposite than a burger, French fries and roast steak etc. western dining, the food structure of the our country"be partial to vegetable" more the benefit prevent and cure at the bowel cancer.But oddness of BE, American knot rectum cancer's being taken bad age on the average is 65 years old, but our country then in advance arrive 50~55 years old, more than ten years in advance;Large intestine cancer at European the detection rate was 70% in early days~80%, but our country bowel cancer sufferer, as soon as discover basic all is in later period.
Investigate its reason, the wood of Tienjin City anus bowel surgery graduate school bureau chief Yu thinks and nearby get the person of bowel cancer more and more, although relating to with food is close,neglect the check of related item in the check-up, such as move bowels Qian blood, ass to point check, bowel mirror etc., and to then blood symptom not value, cause bowel cancer sufferer's one outbreak is a later period and surgical operation survival to expect more and more short.
Moving bowels the Qian blood is very conveniently 1 kind to analyze method, medical treatment unit or check-up centers can carry on.If check result is masculine gender, need to highly doubt a bowel cancer of possibility, should right away carry on bowel mirror, ass to point check etc. is enteritis, the bowel a polyp still a bowel cancer by confirming.Especially when the old people are in the check-up should consider having this check.Moreover, before reminding that you move bowels Qian blood a check don't eat lean meat food, in order to prevent make experiment result false masculine gender reaction, delay diagnosis and treatment.
Once expert requested and pointed the examination to the ass to check to necessarily check item for the normal regulations, because general unit check-up or personal check-up, few someones requested ass to point check on his/her own initiative, didn't know that as well concrete check what.In fact, 70% rectum cancers point check through an ass to touch.Suggest that the crowd over 50 years of age still needs to check a bowel mirror annually moreover, the high Wei crowd then wants 10 years in advance.The high Wei crowd points age at 45 years old above, have the history of polyp disease, have the large intestine cancer the household history and have the ulcer the colon to blaze a disease of history several years, move bowels the Qian blood check masculine gender etc..

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