The nose swallows a cancerous self-examination method


1)you whether lives in the our country nose to swallow whether the high hair region, age of cancer occurrence at 40 years old above.
(2)whether usually come in contact with a some soots, chemistry poison, whether will smoke cigarette, drink alcohol.
(3)you of family or relatives whether having already suffered from a nose to swallow is cancerous.
(4)you whether once appears reason the unidentified headache, stuffed-up nose and nasal discharge take symptoms, such as blood, nose Nyu and buzzing in the ears...etc., and some symptoms again and again appear.
(5)usually by hand touch own neck, under the normal circumstance the neck lymph knot is a touch don't arrive of, if can touch lymph the knot explain that the lymph knots swollen big.
If discover suspicious symptom, please get to hospital as soon as possible further check, in order to early confirm.

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