The cause of disease of rectum cancer


The rectum cancer is much taken bad age at 40 years old above, present in recent years young turn trend.The outbreak reason of the rectum cancer is still not quite explicit, but have something to do with following factor:

(1)food factor and the influence of the carcinogen:The food of high fat, high egg white can make A radicle Dan Mao material in the excrement increased, A radicle Dan Mao material can induct a rectum cancer;The decrease of cellulose content in the food, make excrement through the speed of bowel way reduce slowly, carcinogen and time of contact of bowel mucosa increase and cause rectum cancer outbreak opportunity's increasing.

(2)before the cancer pathological changes:Household's delivering sex rectum gland lump more has already been seen in order to expect a pathological changes before the cancer, if incurable treat bad change to lead to almost attain l 00%.

(3)the rectum chronic burning disease incitement:Ulcerating sex colon is burning, the schistosome is far-gone to make mucosa again and again breakage and repair but cancer change.

(4)other factors:Like heredity factor, since go toward the disease of mammary glands cancer, colon cancer of history etc..

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