The rectum cancer assistance checks


If doubt to get a rectum cancer, should make which assistances check?

(1)the rectum diagnose:BE diagnose the most important method in rectum cancer.The low rectum cancer of above 75% can touch a lump while pointing to diagnose.Therefore, any meets a patient to have then blood, move bowels habitual change, the bowels to transform etc. symptom, should go a rectum to diagnose.

(2)move bowels Qian blood check:This method can be used as early high Wei crowd Shai means.Male again go a further check.

(3)inside the mirror check:Can not only make to visit patients at home to break under the orthoptic naked eye, and commendable live organization to carry on a pathologic check.

(4)the barium infuse a bowel check:Not big to the diagnosis meaning of rectum cancer, but in common use deliver cancer and polyp disease more by exclusion knot, rectum.

(5)other:The B is super, CT, CEA etc..

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