The cent of chronic and lymphoid cell leukemia expects


The clinical top in common use cent of chronic and lymphoid cell leukemia(the brief name slowly pours) expects the method contains 2 kinds currently.One is 1975 Rai wait for someone the clinical cent putting forward to expect standard, the another is 1981 the nations slowly pour the working conference puts forward of classification standard, both all according to slowly pouring clinically with laboratory characteristic to divide a period, slightly have a dissimilarity, summarize as follows now:

Rai's cent expect to be standard:

0 periods:The lymphoid cell is absolutely worth to increase, >15 xes 109| rises;(15,000| is tiny to rise)

The I expects:0 expect ten lymphoid knot swollen big;

The II expects:0 periods or I expect+liver or spleen are greatly swollen;

III expects:0 expect, the I expects or the II expect+anemic(hemoglobin<110 gram|rise) have or have no lymphoid knot, liver, the Pi is greatly swollen;

The IV expects:0, the I, II and III expects+the blood platelets reduces[<100 xes 109/rise(100,000| is tiny to rise) ] .

The nations slowly pour a working conference to expect for cent standard:

The AN expects:Lymphoid cell ≥ 15 xls 09| rises(15,000/tiny rise) in the blood, lymphoid cell ≥ is 40% in the marrow and have no anemic or blood platelets decrease.The lymph knots less than 3 swollen big districts.(neck, armpit and stomach ditch lymph knot in spite of one side or two sides, liver and Pi are a district perspectively)

The B expects:Blood and marrow elephant together up.The lymph knots swollen greatly involve in 3 or more districts.

The C expects:Blood and marrow elephant together up.

But is anemic(male hemoglobin<110 gram|rise;Female hemoglobin<100 gram/rise)or blood platelets decrease[<100 xls 09/rise(100,000| is tiny to rise) ] , the lymphoid knot involves in scope not to account.

These cents expects the period that the method can make the doctor press different disease to consider different treatment measure.Generally incline toward 0 expect the patient didn't need to be cured, but 1~ IVs expect to slowly pour to need to give treatment.These cents expects in the meantime method can also use come as the standard that monitors curative effect, observation treatment whether can the real extension exist a period and also provide doctor as a treatment wants to attain of index sign.

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