Cervical cancer is gradually but not is break out


The development process of the cervical cancer the last few years, passing a great deal of research already definitely non- typical model's increasing to living is a pathological changes before the cancer, the non- typical model increases to living, home position cancer and gradually the cancer is for a set of the pathological changes with coherent;The surface pathological changes non- typical model in earlier period increases to living a beginning, when the cause of disease continues to exist will make progress to arrive gradually gradually a cancer.
Be also proven by research, the great majority temple neck cancer is gradually but don't break out, before the cancer pathological changes usually very long time in 1 inside can go against, then turn into superficial"home position cancer" stage, expect and can keep on for several years at this time, there is no clinical symptom in this period, can pare off a slice of check and discover with the cytology of temple neck and neck tube, and must visit patients at home to break through living a body organization check method.
Expect a stage before cancer, abnormality of cell not infringe upon a quality, also not take place to transfer, if discover at this time and give to accumulate a treatment by pole, the opportunity curing is very high.But temple neck cancer after hasing already gradually become a cancer, then develop very quickly, if not through treatment, the patient can die within 2~5 years.
.Transfer path
In order to lacking on skin layer of temple neck lymphoid tube and blood vessel, the base film is a histology natural cover, can obstruct cancer cell gradually, past home position cancer not occurrence transfer, when the home position cancer changes into gradually a cancer the cancer can spread and mainly transfer path for:
.Directly spread:
Spread to the vagina, the born nature cancer cooking stove often spreads downward out of the temple neck, first gradually vagina Qiong Long, again to vagina, next expand, the focus in the temple neck tube then makes the neck tube extend, increased thick, hard, and spread to involve in a temple chamber upward, wear deeply temple wall, belly cavity happen proliferation.Organize to spread an invasion double the side main ligaments and Mao ligaments beside to the temple, the whole basin chamber can form strong and tough cancer cooking stove and present "keep pelvis in deep freeze".Cancer gradually temple side may also oppress an or double side urethra, cause urethra's jaming.Can cause blood in urine while infringing upon toward the urine bladder, rectum, "in nasty weigh behind" feeling etc..
.The lymphoid way transfers:
The temple neck cancer gradually can invade the lymphoid tube formation lump to bolt to the quality, with the lymphoid liquid flow to reach close by lymphoid knot, spread in the lymphoid tube.
It transfers path:①The temple neck cancer cooking stove base lymph tube →temple side the lymph knot a to shut bore area lymph knot →inside the Ka, outside area lymph knot →the Ka total area lymph knot →stomach aorta side lymphoid knot →lock the bone last nest lymph knot.
The ② temple neck cancer cooking stove lymph takes care of →before the Mao area lymph knot →aorta next lymphoid knot.
.The blood way transfers:
Appear in later period or divide a bad sufferer, can spread to the parts, such as lung, liver, kidney, bone, brain and skin...etc..

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