Prostate gland cancer sooner or later clinical performance


The stage in earlier period, the patient doesn't have some characteristic.Along with the development of condition, the patient may notice a following circumstance:
1, urine repeatedly, wet nasty
2, the urine accumulate
3, the row had a mordacious felling while wetting
4, the hard formation urine flow
5, blood in urine
6, the row wet ache
7, bones ache
The patient who has already arrived a prostate gland cancer for later period may still take to have following complicated situation:
1, the marrow suppress a disease
2, the bone lump transfer
3, the vice- tumor synthesize a disease
4, contain amount of calcium Gao
5, ache
6, high uric acid
7, the chest film seep into
8, the leg department swell

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