The cent of prostate gland cancer expects and transfers path


The cent of prostate gland cancer expects
International anti-cancer alliance TNM cent expects:
(1)original hair tumor(T) the Tx accidentally sees cancer organization(home position cancer).The T0 didn't discover original hair tumor.The T1 lump body has prostate gland 12 following, gland body the size is normal.The T2 lump body has prostate gland 12 or above, the gland body doesn't enlarge as well.T3 tumors are limited by inside the gland body, but the gland body enlarges.T4 tumors arrive outside in the gland body.
(2)the partial lymphoid knot(N) Nx can not estimate a lymphoid knot circumstance.N0 lymphs build a shadow to have no change.The N1 partial lymphoid knot transforms.The N2 can touch the belly cavity fix lymphoid knot.
(3)transfer(M) M0 don't transfer.The M1 has been already transfered.M1 an only the bone transfer.The M1 b other parts transfer and have or have no bone to transfer.
The prostate gland cancer transfers path prostate gland the cancer can pass part gradually, lymph and blood go path to transfer to any part, can take place in earlier period, but generally and much see in later period.The prostate gland cancer can spread to the surroundings other organization from the prostate gland, such as the pelvis lymph knot, belly cavity stanza, skeleton and lung.This process needs to cost several years to several decadeses, especially in the aged time.Many the patients can not feel the main attack disease of this kind of cancer bring of pain and sufferings

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