beth chapman


Technical problems have been plaguing on Thursday morning, affecting users' account management and access to the Xbox Marketplace.

According to the official Xbox Live status page, "Users may experience difficulties with account recovery, account management, Marketplace functions, and/or making purchases. We are aware of the problem and (are) working to resolve the technical issues." beth chapman

And on Twitter, Xbox Live's director of programming, Larry Hryb (otherwise known as Major Nelson) has been posting updates.

Larry Hryb, director of Xbox Live programming, twittered on Thursday that there are ongoing problems with and Xbox Live billing.

(Credit: Twitter)"As some of you may already be aware, we've been having billing issues for the last few hours," Major Nelson tweeted. "This may impact your ability to manage your account, buy points, use existing points, redeem tokens, and other similar actions."

He added, "We're actively engaged with the billing team on resolving this."

And elsewhere on Twitter, many people are reporting the problems. Their comments range from Twitter user weclock's complaint, "Is there someplace where I can check on the status of the Xbox Live servers? I can't reach or Xbox Live" to user iheartrobots' commiserating, "Glad to know I'm not the only one that can't get onto" beth chapman

Microsoft did not have an immediate corporate comment.

It sounds, however, as if the company is well aware of the issues and will most likely have them resolved before too many players get overly frustrated at not being able to get their "Halo" on.

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