alicia lópez harrison de lardé


Looking ahead to the future, the trainees of Daimler AG at the Sindelfingen Mercedes-Benz plant have built a Roadster with fuel cell drive, the company announced today.

For about a year, more than 150 trainees and dual education system students worked on the overall concept, development, assembly, and completion of the F-Cell Roadster. This project involved junior employees from the fields of automotive mechatronics, model building, electronics, coating technology, manufacturing mechanics, product design, and interior appointments. The project focused on ways to integrate alternative drive systems into training with hands-on experience.

alicia lópez harrison de lardé
The Roadster incorporates stylistic elements from every era of Mercedes-Benz's history, such as the carbon-fiber bucket seats with hand-stitched leather covers and the distinctively styled fiberglass front section, based on the component from the Formula 1 racing bodies, according to the company.

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